Exeter Drama Company

Community Theatre

Jubilee Productions

2004 and 2005

In 2005 Exeter Drama Company celebrated our Golden Jubilee. As well as putting on five full productions, we had a number of special nights of additional plays and readings.

In Love Letters, two readers read the letters two lovers sent each other throughout their lives. We had a number of different performances, with different actors reading the poignant story.

Silas Marner, originally by George Elliot, was adapted to a costumed reading by our own Edward Heeley.

Driven from his beloved London by a friend’s betrayal and an inexplicable injustice, Silas Marner finds a new home in the country village of Raveloe. He establishes a small weaving business but his solitary ways encourage much gossip. His life is thrown into disarray by a theft but fate has not finished with him and an unexpected guest turns his life around once more. For many years he is content but just as a happy ending seems inevitable fate rears its head again.

We also treated ourselves to a trip to the theatre in London to look behind the scenes and get some ideas for future scene setting at Stepcote!

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