Exeter Drama Company

Community Theatre

Great Expectations

Directed by Pam Hoad

Was performed 8th - 12th December 2015 at The Shed.

Great Expectations - Mrs Gargery, Joe and Young Pip

This version of Great Expectations brings to life all the vivid characters of the original book and conveys the story with great clarity, atmosphere and theatrical flair.

Great Expectations - Young Pip, Estella and Miss Havisham

Villainous Magwitch, decaying Miss Havisham and the brittle and spiteful Estella join the Gargery’s and Uncle Pumblechook.

Great Expectations - Pip and Miss Havisham

Along with with Pip and Herbert as they journey through 19th Century Victorian England experiencing all the sights and sounds of the age.

Great Expectations - Miss Havisham

Heat up your chestnuts, ignore the child with rickets next to you and settle in for a good read!

Great Expectations - Pip, Aged P and Wemmick
Herbert Pocket Danny Dowling
Pip Jonny Robinson
Estella Hayley Foss
Joe Gargery Jahgo Williams
Young Pip Jake Lee
Magwitch Brian Lawless
Mrs Joe Tara Studholme Lyons
Uncle Pumblechook Ian Guy
Young Estella Bronwen Stewart
Jaggers Ed Heeley
Miss Havisham Julia Morgan
Biddy Rebecca Wright
Wemmick Richard O'Donnell
Molly Briony Vallis
Aged Parent Richard Ware
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