Exeter Drama Company

Community Theatre

Murdered to Death

Murdered to Death is a spoof in the best Agatha Christie tradition, set in the lounge of a country manor house, the action taking place over a weekend.

The characters are what you would expect to find in such a situation - Bunting the butler, an English Colonel with the prerequisite stiff upper lip, a shady French art dealer and his moll, bumbling local inspectors one who has a tendency to malapropisms and a well meaning local sleuth who seems to attract murder.

Will the murderer be unmasked before everyone else has met their doom, or will the audience die laughing first?

Mildred Meg Henkus
Dorothy Tracey Monaghan
Bunting, the Butler Roger Matthewson
Colonel Charles Craddock Tony Carter
Margaret Craddock, his wife Pamela Hoad
Pierre Marceau, a French Art Dealer Nigel Banyard
Elizabeth Hartley-Trumpington Margaret Addison
Joan Maple Jenny Trace
Inspector Pratt Malcolme Littler
Constable Thomkins Doug Thompson
Directed by James Montgomery
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